1|00000101|New Year's Day|New Year's Day
2|00000214|Valentine's Day|Valentine's Day
3|00000317|St. Patrick's Day|St. Patrick's Day
4|00000401|April Fool's Day|April Fool's Day
7|00001111|Veterans Day|Veterans Day
8|00001225|Christmas Day|Christmas Day
26|19980119|Martin Luther King Jr. Day|Martin Luther King Jr. Day
27|19980216|President's Day|President's Day
28|19980405|Daylight Savings Time Begins|Daylight Savings Time Begins
29|19980405|Palm Sunday|Palm Sunday
30|19980410|Good Friday|Good Fridayf
32|19980412|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
33|19980510|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
34|19980525|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
36|19980621|Father's Day|Father's Day
37|19980907|Labor Day|Labor Day
38|19980921|Rosh Hashanah|Rosh Hashanah
39|19980930|Yom Kippur|Yom Kippur
40|19981012|Columbus Day|Columbus Day
41|19981025|Daylight Savings Time Ends|Daylight Savings Time Ends
42|19981126|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
44|19990118|Martin Luther King Jr. Day|Martin Luther King Jr. Day
45|19990215|President's Day|President's Day
46|19990328|Palm Sunday|Palm Sunday
48|19990402|Good Friday|Good Friday
50|19990404|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
51|19990509|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
52|19990531|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
53|19990620|Father's Day|Father's Day
54|19990906|Labor Day|Labor Day
55|19990911|Rosh Hashanah|Rosh Hashanah
56|19990920|Yom Kippur|Yom Kippur
57|19991011|Columbus Day|Columbus Day
58|19991024|Daylight Savings Time Ends|Daylight Savings Time Ends
59|19991125|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
61|20050915|Legendary Anniversary Dinner|At Rutherfords 465 for Employee's that have been with the company for 5 years or 10 years.
62|20050704|Independance Day - Legendary Corporate Closed|Closed for observance of Independance Day, will be open regular office hours on July 5th.
63|20050905|Labor Day - Legendary Corporate Closed|Closed for observance of Labor Day, will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, September 6th.
64|20051124|Thanksgiving - Legendary Corporate Closed|Offices closed for observance of Thanksgiving, will resume regular business hours on Monday, November 28th.
65|20051125|Legendary Corporate Closed|Offices closed for observance of Thanksgiving holiday, will resume regular business hours on Monday, November 28th.
66|20051204|Legendary Employee Christmas Party|We invite you and a guest to celebrate the Holidays on December 6th at AJ's Boathouse, from 6pm - until. Don't forget to bring your adopted child an unwrapped gift.
67|20050610|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
68|20050624|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
83|20050708|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
84|20050722|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
85|20050805|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
86|20050819|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
87|20050902|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
88|20050916|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
89|20050930|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
90|20051014|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
91|20051028|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
92|20051111|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
93|20051125|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
94|20051209|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
95|20051223|Employee Pay Day|Paychecks will be distributed by entities manager or supervisor.
96|20050715|Legendary Corporate Office Move - Office Closed|Corporate office will be moving to Destin Commons.
97|20050716|Legendary Corporate Office Move|Corporate office moving to Destin Commons.
99|20051124|Rutherfords 465 Thanksgiving Buffet|Thursday, November 24th from 11am-3pm. Reservations are limited, call 337-8888. $25 plus tax & gratuity - Children eat free (5 and under).
100|20051231|Celebrate New Year's Eve at Rockstar|Ring in the New Year at Destin's hottest nightclub. For reservations or information, call 337-8555.
101|20051124| Rutherfords 465 Champagne Walkabout|Wine Walkabout featuring champagnes of the season and the foods that compliment them. Thursday, December 1st at 7pm. $30 plus tax and gratuity. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
102|20051231|Rutherfords 465 New Years Eve Celebration|From 5pm-9pm. $75 per person. For reservations call, 337-8888.
103|20051226|Legendary Inc. Corporate Offices Closed|Corporate office closed for observance of the Christmas holiday. Will re-open on December 27th.
104|20060102|Legendary Inc. Corporate Offices Closed|Corporate offices closed for observance of New Years Eve. Will re-open for regular business hours on January 3rd.
105|20061012|Employee Anniversary Dinner|Legendary Employee Anniversary Dinner, Rutherfords 465 at 6:00pm.
106|20060211|Mardi Gras on the Island|Over 70 floats parade down Santa Rosa Blvd at 12 noon, followed by a street festival with ongoing events at participating restaurants along the parade route. Sponsored in part by the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, 850.244.8191
107|20060602|Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival|Festival starts at 3pm on Friday at Fort Walton Beach Landing with food vendors, an arts and crafts fair, music and entertainment and an 8:30pm fireworks display.
108|20060603|Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival|Festival from 10am-7pm, at Fort Walton Beach Landing with food vendors, an arts and crafts fair, music and entertainment. The Billy Bowlegs Armada landing will be from 3-3:30pm. For More Information, call 244-8191.
109|20060605|Billy Bowlegs Parade|Parade rolls north on Eglin Parkway from 2nd Street in Fort Walton Beach at 8pm on Monday night. For more information, call 244-8191.
110|20060413|Fort Walton Beach Easter Egg Hunt|10am at Liza Jackson Park in Fort Walton Beach. Rain date is April 11th. Sponsored by the City of Fort Walton Beach Parks & Recreation Dept., 850.833.9580.
111|20060309|Rutherfords 465 Whites of Spring Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout, Thursday, March 9th, from 7pm-9pm. For Reservation or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
112|20060518|Rutherfords 465 Mayfest Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout, Thursday, May 18th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
113|20060713|Bastille Day Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout, Thursday, July 13th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
114|20061005|Harvest Moon Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout, Thursday, October 5th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
115|20061130|Holiday Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout featuring champagnes of the season and the foods that compliment them, Thursday, November 30, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
116|20061202|15th Annual Jingle Bell Run Walk|Race for the NW Florida Arthritis Foundation begins at 9am at the Fort Walton Beach Landing. Event will feature a 10K and 5K run, 5K and 1 mile Fun Walk and a Dog Walk. Register at www.active.com or call Pat Faber, 850.269.3006 for information.
117|20060210|American Red Cross Blood Drive|Did you know that every two seconds someone in our community needs blood? Volunteer blood donors are the only way to save the lives of patients in need. Please join Destin Commons as we give the gift of life. Each donor will be entered to win great Destin Commons’ prizes. Blood drive is from 12pm-6pm at the Destin Commons Center Court. For more information, contact 337-8700.
118|20060211|Valentines Day Street Chalk Art|Come to Destin Commons for some chalk art fun! Bring out the little Picasso’s and let them create chalk art masterpieces along the main street. All Kids who participate in this fun event will receive a special Valentine’s Day surprise. Chalk art will start from 12pm-2pm at Destin Commmons. For more information, call 337-8700.
119|20060317|St. Patricks Day at Destin Commons|Come to Destin Commons for an authentic Festive Irish Bagpipe concert. St. Patty’s Day treats will be passed out to all children who are wearing green. Free – bring your lawn chair. Concert at Destin commons center plaza at 7pm. For more information, call 337-8700.
120|20060407|3rd Annual Destin Commons Boat Show|Join Legendary Marine, Treasure Island Marine and Bass Pro Shops for the 3rd Annual Destin Commons Boat Show! If you are in the market for a new boat or just browsing the wide array of distinctive boats on display, this event is fun for the family and kids with giveaways and live radio remotes. Show hours are from 10am-7pm. For more information, call 337-8700.
121|20060408|Arrival of the Easter Bunny with "Alice's Easter in Wonderland" Show|Alice and the hysterical Mad Hatter are pulling into Destin Commons for a high energy Easter celebration. Songs, dances, and lots of jokes will put everyone in the spring-time spirit. The zany cast will teach the Easter Bunny’s favorite dance and welcome him to the party. Free Easter coloring books, crayons and bunny ears will be given out after the shows. Show times will be at, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm. For more information, call 337-8700.
122|20060422|Tyndall Air Show|The Tyndall airshow will be held Apr. 22 and 23 and will feature the USAF Thunderbirds from Nellis AFB, NV.
123|20060423|Tyndall Air Show|The Tyndall airshow will be held Apr. 22 and 23 and will feature the USAF Thunderbirds from Nellis AFB, NV.
124|20060310|Destin Cobia Tournament Kickoff Party|HarborWalk Marina presents the 9th Annual Destin Cobia Tournament. Kickoff party will be located at Jet Ultra Lounge at 6:30pm. Entry forms and rules available at HarborWalk Marina. For more information, call HarborWalk Marina at 337-8250.
125|20060428|3rd Annual Cobia Wild Weekender Shootout|HarborWalk Marina presents the 3rd Annual Cobia Wild Weekender Shootout. Kickoff Party located at Jet Ultra Lounge at 6:30pm. Entry forms and rules available at HarborWalk Marina. For more information, call 337-8250.
126|20060429|3rd Annual Wild Weekender Cobia Shootout|HarborWalk Marina presents the 3rd Annual Wild Weekender Cobia Shootout. Scales will be open from 10am-8pm. Weigh-In Headquarters: HarborWalk Marina, 337-8250.
127|20060430|3rd Annual Wild Weekender Cobia Shootout|HarborWalk Marina presents the 3rd Annual Cobia Wild Weekender Shootout. Scales will be open from 10am-7pm. Tournament will end at 7pm. Weigh-In Headquarters: HarborWalk Marina, 337-8250.
128|20060430|3rd Annual Wild Weekender Awards Party|Show me the money! Anglers, families and friends celebrate as they receive $$$, prizes and trophies for their winning catches. Whether your in the money or not we welcome everyone back for the fun and festivities. Don’t miss out on our amazing raffle.
Location – Jet Ultra Lounge at 7:00pm. For more information, call Harborwalk Marina at 337-8250.
129|20060214|R465 Valentines Day Dinner|Take your Valentine to Rutherfords 465 Valentines Day Dinner. Dinner will be $49 per person + tax and gratuity from 5pm-9pm. Reservations are available from 5pm-9pm. For reservations and information, call 337-8888.
130|20060202|Groundhogs Day|Groundhogs Day
131|20060414|Easter Day|Easter Day
132|20060415|Tax Day|Tax Day
133|20060422|Earth Day |Earth Day
134|20060426|Administrative Professionals Day|Administrative Professionals Day
135|20060505|Cinco de Mayo|Cinco de Mayo
136|20060514|R465 Mothers Day Brunch|More information to come.
137|20060521|Armed Forces Day|Armed Forces Day
138|20060529|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
139|20060618|Fathers Day|Fathers Day
140|20060618|Fathers Day Brunch|More information to come.
141|20060704|Independance Day|Independance Day
142|20061016|National Bosses Day|National Bosses Day
144|20060910|Grandparents Day|Grandparents Day
145|20061231|New Years Eve|New Years Eve
148|20060203|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
149|20060204|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
150|20060210|Jet Live Music|Machine Gun Kelly playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
151|20060211|Jet Live Music|Machine Gun Kelly playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
152|20060217|Jet Live Music|Machine Gun Kelly playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
153|20060218|Jet Live Music|Machine Gun Kelly playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
154|20060224|Jet Live Music|Mighty Mighty Cocktones playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
155|20060225|Jet Live Music|Mighty Mighty Cocktones playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
156|20060302|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
157|20060303|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
158|20060304|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
159|20060307|Jet Live Music|80z Enuf playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
160|20060308|Jet Live Music|80z Enuf playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
161|20060309|Jet Live Music|80z Enuf playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
162|20060310|Jet Live Music|80z Enuf playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
163|20060311|Jet Live Music|80z Enuf playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
164|20060314|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
165|20060315|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
166|20060316|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
167|20060317|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
168|20060318|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
169|20060321|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
170|20060322|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
171|20060323|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
172|20060324|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
173|20060325|Jet Live Music|Rat Ranch playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
175|20060330|Jet Live Music|Mighty Mighty Cocktones playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
176|20060331|Jet Live Music|Mighty Mighty Cocktones playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
177|20060401|Jet Live Music|Mighty Mighty Cocktones playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
178|20060413|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
179|20060414|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
180|20060415|Jet Live Music|Hip Kitty playing at Jet Ultra Lounge. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
181|20060201|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
182|20060208|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
183|20060215|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
184|20060222|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
185|20060308|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
186|20060315|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
187|20060322|Big Azz Glass Night at Jet|Big Azz Glass Night! Live with Dj Darren Plate. For more information, call 337-8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
188|20060317|St. Paticks Day Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
189|20060421|Spring Classic Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
190|20060422|Spring Classic Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
191|20060917|4th Annual Shelter House Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
192|20060930|YMCA Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
193|20061103|St. Judes Celebrity Invitational Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
194|20061104|St. Judes Celebrity Invitational Tournament|At Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club. For more information, call 337-8080.
195|20060206|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Romanian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
196|20060207|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Romanian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
197|20060208|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Romanian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
198|20060209|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Romanian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
199|20060210|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Romanian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
200|20060213|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Asian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
201|20060214|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Asian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
202|20060215|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Asian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
203|20060216|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Asian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
204|20060217|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Asian Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
205|20060220|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Caribbean Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
206|20060221|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Caribbean Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
207|20060222|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Caribbean Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
208|20060223|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Caribbean Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
209|20060224|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Caribbean Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
210|20060227|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience French Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
211|20060228|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience French Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
212|20060301|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience French Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
213|20060302|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience French Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
214|20060303|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience French Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
215|20060306|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Cuban Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
216|20060307|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Cuban Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
217|20060308|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Cuban Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
218|20060309|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Cuban Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
219|20060310|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Cuban Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
220|20060313|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Irish Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
221|20060314|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Irish Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
222|20060315|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Irish Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
223|20060316|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Irish Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
224|20060317|Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special|Experience Irish Cuisine at Rutherfords 465 Early Bird Special for $14.95. Monday-Friday, 4pm-7pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
225|20061203|Employee Christmas Party|Sunday, December 3rd at AJ's Seafood and Oyster Bar from 6pm-9pm. Dinner Buffet and Holiday Cheer Provided. Please RSVP by November 30th to Michelle Williams, 337.8000 x425 or mwilliams@legendaryinc.com. *We are collecting toys & clothes for children this holiday season. We encourage all Legendary Employees to participate in this wonderful cause by bringing an unwrapped gift to help those less fortunate.
226|20060205|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
227|20060212|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
228|20060219|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
229|20060226|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
230|20060305|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
231|20060312|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
232|20060319|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
233|20060326|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
234|20060402|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
235|20060409|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
236|20060416|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
237|20060423|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
238|20060430|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
239|20060507|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
240|20060514|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
241|20060521|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
242|20060528|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
243|20060604|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
244|20060611|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
245|20060618|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
246|20060625|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
247|20060702|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
248|20060709|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
249|20060716|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
250|20060723|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
251|20060730|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
252|20060806|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
253|20060813|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
254|20060820|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
255|20060827|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
256|20060903|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
257|20060910|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
258|20060917|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
259|20060924|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
260|20061001|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
261|20061008|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
262|20061015|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
263|20061022|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
264|20061029|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
265|20061105|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
266|20061112|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
267|20061119|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
268|20061126|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
269|20061203|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
270|20061210|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
271|20061217|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
272|20061224|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
273|20061231|Rutherfords 465 Sunday Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees for $9. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
274|20060512|Destin Cobia Tournament Awards Ceremony|Show me the money! Anglers, families and friends celebrate as they receive $$$, prizes and trophies for their winning catches. Whether your in the money or not we welcome everyone back for the fun and festivities. Don’t miss out on our amazing raffle.
Location – Jet Ultra Lounge at 6:30pm. For more information, call Harborwalk Marina at 337-8250
275|20060524|Youth Blessing of the Fleet|Located at HarborWalk Village. Live Entertainment and more to come. For more information contact, Dave Hope at 837-6323.
276|20060525|Blessing of the Fleet|Located at HarborWalk Village.
4:00pm Service
5:00pm Blessing
Fish Fry directly afterwards
For more information contact, Dave Hope at 837-6323.
277|20060314|City of Destin Elections|City of Destin Elections
278|20060625|Legendary Employee and Family Picnic|On Sunday, June 25th, join us for the first annual Legendary Employee and Family Picnic at Camp Timpoochee in Niceville. Picnic will be from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information contact Human Resources at 850-337-8000.
279|20060604|Legendary Employee Beach Cleanup|Beach Cleanup will be from 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. at the following locations: Norriega Point, Destin and Beasley Park, Fort Walton. For more information, please contact Keri Doscher at 850-337-8300.
280|20061014|American Heart Association Heartwalk|Join the American Heart Association in the fight against heart disease and stroke by raising money to support lifesaving research, programs, and education. The event celebrates and honors survivors of heart attack, heart surgery, and stroke. Survivors are given special red caps to wear at the event to show the prevalence of heart disease and stroke in the community. 8am at OWC in Niceville; 850-243-0131.
281|20061020|Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|Annual festival serves up all types of food, including the celebrated fish. Arts and crafts vendors, kid’s activities, local entertainment and nationally known music headliners round out this event. Held in Niceville, 10am to midnight Friday and Saturday, noon to 8pm on Sunday. 850.729.4008.
282|20061021|Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|Annual festival serves up all types of food, including the celebrated fish. Arts and crafts vendors, kid’s activities, local entertainment and nationally known music headliners round out this event. Held in Niceville, 10am to midnight Friday and Saturday, noon to 8pm on Sunday. 850.729.4008.
283|20061022|Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|Annual festival serves up all types of food, including the celebrated fish. Arts and crafts vendors, kid’s activities, local entertainment and nationally known music headliners round out this event. Held in Niceville, 10am to midnight Friday and Saturday, noon to 8pm on Sunday. 850.729.4008.
284|20061028|Li'l Goblins Spooky Halloween Costume Contest |Kids ages 1 – 12 compete for prizes in their age group for scariest, cutest and most original costumes. Registration at 2pm, contest begins at 3pm, followed by store-to-store Trick or Treating on Destin Commons Main Street. 850.337.8700.
285|20061031|Destin Commons Trick or Treating |Bring the kids in costumes for safe and child-friendly Trick or Treating at the stores in Destin Commons, 5pm – 7pm. 850.337.8700.
286|20061104|Pinfish Tournament |Children up to age 14 are invited to participate in this event at the Rodeo Docks behind AJ's Seafood Restaurant in Destin Harbor , 9am. Free registration, bait provided, free T-shirts to the first 50 participants. Adult supervision required. Sponsored by the City of Destin and AJ's Seafood Restaurant. 850.650.1241.
287|20061117|Destin Commons Tree Lighting & Santa's Arrival|Santa arrives in style with a police motorcycle brigade and fire engine at Destin Commons Center Plaza, 6pm. Enjoy the lighting of the 50’ Holiday Tree, followed by a Christmas song and dance show for children, featuring Broadway performers. Kids can visit Santa, Rudolph and Frosty. 850.337.8700.
288|20061009|Destin Christmas Parade|Parade begins at 10am on Highway 98 by Destin Cinema. Destin Community Center, 850.654.5184.
289|20061202|Lighted Boat Parade|Enjoy lighted boats decorated for the holiday season as they parade down Santa Rosa Sound by Fort Walton Beach Landing at 6pm. FWB MainStreet, 850.664.6246.
290|20061028|Jet Halloween Party|Saturday, October 28th at 9pm. Costume contest with $1,000 cash and prizes! $2 drinks and no cover til 11 pm. *no cover all night with costume! For more information, call 337.8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
291|20061123|Rutherfords 465 Thanksgiving Buffet|Cold Buffet Table, Breakfast Bread Station, Carving Station, Hot Foods and Dessert Island for $25 + tax and gratuity. Buffet Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
292|20061117|Destin Commons Tree Lighting & Santa's Arrival|Santa arrives in style with a police motorcycle brigade and fire engine at Destin Commons Center Plaza, 6pm. Enjoy the lighting of the 50’ Holiday Tree, followed by a Christmas song and dance show for children, featuring Broadway performers. Kids can visit Santa, Rudolph and Frosty. 850.337.8700.
293|20061130|Christmas Tree Lighting|Held at Destin Community Center, call 850.650.1241 for information.
294|20061210|Annual Destin Harbor Boat Parade|Enjoy a fleet of decorated boats parading around Destin Harbor beginning at 6pm. Part of the Holiday on the Harbor event presented by the Destin Area Chamber of Commerce, Destin Harbor District and the Destin Charter Boat Association. 850.837.6241.
295|20061013|Destin Commons Fall Boat Show|Browse through a variety of boats on display at Destin Commons from Legendary Marine, Treasure Island Marine, Bass Pro Shops and more. Event held during mall hours, call 850.337.8700 for information.
296|20061014|Destin Commons Fall Boat Show|Browse through a variety of boats on display at Destin Commons from Legendary Marine, Treasure Island Marine, Bass Pro Shops and more. Event held during mall hours, call 850.337.8700 for information.
297|20061015|Destin Commons Fall Boat Show|Browse through a variety of boats on display at Destin Commons from Legendary Marine, Treasure Island Marine, Bass Pro Shops and more. Event held during mall hours, call 850.337.8700 for information.
298|20061231|Jet New Year's Eve Celebration|You're invited to Jet's New Year's Eve Celebration 2007. No cover till 10pm, fireworks and champagne toast at midnight and music by DJ Eddie Black. For more information, call Jet at 850.337.8555 or visit www.jetultralounge.com
299|20070513|Rutherfords 465 Mothers Day Brunch|Treat your Mother to Delicious Brunch Entrees at Rutherfords 465. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
300|20070518|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
301|20070519|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
302|20070520|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
303|20070520|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
304|20070524|Rutherfords 465 Mayfest Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout featuring German wines and foods that compliment them, Thursday, May 24th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
305|20070602|Annual Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival & Torchlight Parade|Voted a Top 20 Event by Southeast Tourism Society for 2007. Festivities begin at 3pm on Friday at Fort Walton Beach Landing with food vendors, an arts and crafts fair, music and entertainment and an 8:30pm fireworks display. Saturday 10am to 7pm, featuring the Billy Bowlegs Armada landing at 3pm. Parade rolls north on Eglin Parkway from 2nd Street in Fort Walton Beach at 8pm
306|20070603|Annual Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival & Torchlight Parade|Voted a Top 20 Event by Southeast Tourism Society for 2007. Festivities begin at 3pm on Friday at Fort Walton Beach Landing with food vendors, an arts and crafts fair, music and entertainment and an 8:30pm fireworks display. Saturday 10am to 7pm, featuring the Billy Bowlegs Armada landing at 3pm. Parade rolls north on Eglin Parkway from 2nd Street in Fort Walton Beach at 8pm
307|20070604|Annual Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival & Torchlight Parade|Voted a Top 20 Event by Southeast Tourism Society for 2007. Festivities begin at 3pm on Friday at Fort Walton Beach Landing with food vendors, an arts and crafts fair, music and entertainment and an 8:30pm fireworks display. Saturday 10am to 7pm, featuring the Billy Bowlegs Armada landing at 3pm. Parade rolls north on Eglin Parkway from 2nd Street in Fort Walton Beach at 8pm
308|20070615|Destin YMCA Poker Run|Poker Run Rally in the Destin Harbor for start and photo opportunity at 9:30 a.m. Poker Run stops will be open from 10a.m.-4p.m. Poker Run party will be located at Emerald Grande at 6:30p.m. For more information, please call Keri Doscher at, 850-337-8300.
*Dates and times are subject to change.
309|20070616|Destin YMCA Poker Run|Poker Run Rally in the Destin Harbor for start and photo opportunity at 9:30 a.m. Poker Run stops will be open from 10a.m.-4p.m. Poker Run party will be located at Emerald Grande at 6:30p.m. For more information, please call Keri Doscher at, 850-337-8300.
*Dates and times are subject to change.
310|20070617|Destin YMCA Poker Run|Poker Run Rally in the Destin Harbor for start and photo opportunity at 9:30 a.m. Poker Run stops will be open from 10a.m.-4p.m. Poker Run party will be located at Emerald Grande at 6:30p.m. For more information, please call Keri Doscher at, 850-337-8300.
*Dates and times are subject to change.
311|20070617|Rutherfords 465 Fathers Day Brunch|Treat your Father to Delicious Brunch Entrees at Rutherfords 465. Brunch Served from 10am-2:30pm. For Reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
312|20070704|Independence Day Fireworks Display|Independence Day fireworks display over the Destin Harbor; 9pm. City of Destin, 850.837.4242
313|20070704|4th of July Fireworks Show|Annual fireworks display over Boggy Bayou in Niceville/Valparaiso. Sponsored by the Niceville-Valparaiso Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, 850.678.2323.
314|20070704|Fourth of July Celebration|Held at Fort Walton Beach Landing, 4pm - 10pm. Live music, entertainment, children's activities followed by a fireworks display at 8:30pm. Sponsored by the City of Fort Walton Beach, 850.833.9510.
315|20070704|Destin Commons Fireworks|Families can enjoy a spectacular fireworks show and patriotic music in the Destin Commons Center Plaza while children play in the pop fountain. Show begins at 8:30pm. 850.337.8700.
316|20070712|Bastille Day Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout featuring fine French wines and foods that compliment them, Thursday, July 12th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
317|20070720|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
318|20070721|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
319|20070722|Legendary Marine Demo Days|Legendary Marine will hosting a Demo Days open to the public! We will be offering limited time discounts for customers who purchase during this event. Feel free to come out and test drive any boat of your choice! Our professional sales staff will help you determine the best type of boat to fit you and your family's needs.
320|20070927|Rutherfords 465 Fall Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout, Thursday, September 27th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
321|20070929|American Heart Association Heart Walk|Join the American Heart Association in the fight against heart disease and stroke by raising money to support lifesaving research, programs, and education. The event celebrates and honors survivors of heart attack, heart surgery, and stroke. Survivors are given special red caps to wear at the event to show the prevalence of heart disease and stroke in the community. 8am at OWC in Niceville. For information call 850.243.0131.
323|20070719|Summer Harbor Celebration|Watch a spectacular fireworks display every Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. over Destin Harbor from any Harbor front location. (Through September 2nd)
331|20070630|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Ligion & Hot Action Cop|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
333|20070707|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Luna Halo & Sweet Wild Orange|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
334|20070714|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Mayday-Ground & H-Beam|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
335|20070721|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Autovaughn & Plain Jane Automobile|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
336|20070728|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Scott Leger from Wide Awake|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
337|20070804|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Red Letter Agent & Tentonic|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
338|20070811|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Five Star Iris|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
339|20070818|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Eyes Around|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
340|20070825|Jet Summer Concert Series Features Midnight To Twelve & Trances Arc|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
341|20070901|Jet Summer Concert Series Features The Everyday People|The Jet Summer Concert Series, sponsored by 654-LIMO, Honda Yamaha FWB and Tan Destin, is every Saturday night from June 30 through September 1 at Jet Ultra Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance at Tan Destin. Doors open at 8:00 pm and shows begin at 10:30 pm. For more information, visit www.myspace.com/jetultralounge
342|20070630|Legendary Marine Boating Classes|Legendary Marine will be hosting a boating class for its customers and the public on Saturday, June 30th at the Legendary Marine Showroom located at the south side of the Mid-Bay Bridge in Destin. Some of the topics to be covered in this class are: Boating Laws, Safety Equipment, Navigation, Nautical Terms, Local Water Charts, “Rules of the Road”, VHF Protocol, Small Vessel Handling, Stand On/ Give Way, Anchoring & Docking.
There will be a $25 fee for non-customers and the event will be free to Legendary Marine or Storage customers. For more information on this class and future classes, please contact Keri Doscher at 850-337-8300.
343|20071001|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
344|20071002|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
345|20071003|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
346|20071004|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
347|20071005|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
348|20071006|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
349|20071007|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
350|20071008|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
351|20071009|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
352|20071010|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
353|20071011|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
354|20071012|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
355|20071013|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
356|20071014|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
357|20071015|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
358|20071016|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
360|20071017|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
361|20071018|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
362|20071019|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
363|20071020|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
364|20071021|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
365|20071022|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
366|20071023|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
367|20071024|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
368|20071025|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
369|20071026|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
370|20071027|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
371|20071028|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
372|20071029|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
373|20071030|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
374|20071031|Destin Fishing Rodeo|The ultimate fishing tournament, with over 30,000 anglers competing throughout the month of October for over $100,000 in prizes. All participants are in the running for daily, weekly and overall prizes in men's, women's and junior anglers' categories. No entry fee aboard boats registered in the Rodeo.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6734
Website: www.destinfishingrodeo.org
Event Type: Fishing Events
375|20071005|29th Annual Destin Seafood Festival|Kick off the October Destin Fishing Rodeo with a weekend event for the whole family, where local seafood restaurants offer a true taste of Destin. Fine artisans and crafters, children's activities, and live entertainment including nationally renowned headliners round out the event. Held at Morgan Sports Complex, an outdoor park venue in the heart of Destin.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6241
Website: www.destinseafoodfestival.org
Event Type: Concert Events, Festivals
376|20071006|29th Annual Destin Seafood Festival|Kick off the October Destin Fishing Rodeo with a weekend event for the whole family, where local seafood restaurants offer a true taste of Destin. Fine artisans and crafters, children's activities, and live entertainment including nationally renowned headliners round out the event. Held at Morgan Sports Complex, an outdoor park venue in the heart of Destin.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6241
Website: www.destinseafoodfestival.org
Event Type: Concert Events, Festivals
377|20071007|29th Annual Destin Seafood Festival|Kick off the October Destin Fishing Rodeo with a weekend event for the whole family, where local seafood restaurants offer a true taste of Destin. Fine artisans and crafters, children's activities, and live entertainment including nationally renowned headliners round out the event. Held at Morgan Sports Complex, an outdoor park venue in the heart of Destin.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6241
Website: www.destinseafoodfestival.org
Event Type: Concert Events, Festivals
378|20071019|31st Annual Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|A Great time for the entire family, with entertainment, the highest quality fine art and home crafts, and a staggering array of food concessions. Admission is $10/day; children under 12 free ~ Advance three day passes will be available for $25.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 729-4545
Website: www.cityofniceville.org
Event Type: Festivals
379|20071020|31st Annual Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|A Great time for the entire family, with entertainment, the highest quality fine art and home crafts, and a staggering array of food concessions. Admission is $10/day; children under 12 free ~ Advance three day passes will be available for $25.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 729-4545
Website: www.cityofniceville.org
Event Type: Festivals
380|20071021|31st Annual Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival|A Great time for the entire family, with entertainment, the highest quality fine art and home crafts, and a staggering array of food concessions. Admission is $10/day; children under 12 free ~ Advance three day passes will be available for $25.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 729-4545
Website: www.cityofniceville.org
Event Type: Festivals
381|20071027|Li'l Goblins Spooky Halloween Costume Contest|Kids up to age 12 can enter to win in their age group for scariest, cutest and most original costume. Registration at 2pm, contest begins at 3pm, followed by storefront trick-or-treating along Destin Commons Main Street. Mini pumpkin painting for kids. 850.337.8700.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 337-8700
Website: www.destincommons.com
Event Type: Holiday Events, Kids Events
382|20071027|Santa Rosa Mall Halloween Costume Contest|Children ages 12 and under are invited to participate for prizes in 4 age categories. Santa Rosa Mall in Mary Esther; call 850.244.2172 or visit www.santarosamall.com for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 244-2172
Website: www.santarosamall.com
Event Type: Holiday Events, Kids Events
383|20071027|12th Annual Destin Festival of the Arts|Over 100 juried fine artists display a diverse palette of works in all mediums, including acrylic, clay, glass, jewelry, metals, wood, watercolor and photography. Event features a children’s interactive art tent, a collaborative art exhibit of adult and student works from the area and a bistro café with live entertainment. Call 850.650.2226 or visit www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 650-2226
Website: www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org
Event Type: Kids Events, Arts & Crafts
384|20071028|12th Annual Destin Festival of the Arts|Over 100 juried fine artists display a diverse palette of works in all mediums, including acrylic, clay, glass, jewelry, metals, wood, watercolor and photography. Event features a children’s interactive art tent, a collaborative art exhibit of adult and student works from the area and a bistro café with live entertainment. Call 850.650.2226 or visit www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 650-2226
Website: www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org
Event Type: Kids Events, Arts & Crafts
385|20071031|Destin Commons Trick or Treating|Bring the kids in costume for safe and friendly storefront trick-or-treating from participating Destin Commons merchants. 5pm – 7pm. 850.337.8700.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 337-8700
Website: www.destincommons.com
Event Time: 5pm - 7pm
386|20071031|Santa Rosa Mall Trick or Treating|Children ages 12 and under are invited to come in costume for trick or treating at participating stores throughout Santa Rosa Mall in Mary Esther. Call 850.244.2172 or visit www.santarosamall.com for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 244-2172
Website: www.santarosamall.com
387|20071029|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
388|20071030|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
389|20071031|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
390|20071101|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
391|20071102|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
392|20071103|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
393|20071104|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races|The Destin World Cup Offshore Powerboat Races presented by Legendary, Inc., Destin Commons and The Emerald Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. is a seven-day offshore race of the Offshore Super Series Powerboat Racing Association (OSS). The biggest, loudest and fastest race boats will converge on the Gulf of Mexico, October 29th - November 4th, 2007. This exciting extended-weekend event will include spectacular parties, great local entertainment, not to mention the best in offshore racing with over 40 boats in 7 categories.
Additional Information:
Phone: (850) 337-8050
Website: www.destinworldcup.com
394|20071109|Destin Commons Tree Lighting & Santa's Arrival|Santa arrives in style at Destin Commons on a fire truck accompanied by a police motorcycle brigade at 6pm. Santa lights the 50’ Holiday Tree, then festivities continue with a Christmas musical program for children, featuring Broadway performers on stage, as well as Rudolph and Frosty. 850.337.8700.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 337-8700
Website: www.destincommons.com
Event Time: 6pm
395|20071129|Rutherfords 465 Holiday Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 at Regatta Bay in Destin will host this Holiday Walkabout, featuring champagnes of the season and fine foods that complement them. 7pm – 9pm; call 850.337.8888 for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 337-8888
Event Time: 7pm - 9pm
396|20071203|Fort Walton Beach Christmas Parade|Fort Walton Beach Christmas Parade
Parade begins on Eglin Parkway at First Street, 6:30pm. Sponsored by the City of Fort Walton Beach, 850.833.9576.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 833-9576
Event Time: 6:30pm
397|20071207|Sounds of the Season|The Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation presents its 3rd annual holiday concert at Village Baptist Church in Destin at 7pm. The concerts have featured local and national performing artists as well as community chorus performances. Call 850.650.2226 or visit www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org for information.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 650-2226
Website: www.mattiekellyartsfoundation.org
Event Time: 7pm
398|20071208|4th Annual Holiday Doggy Fashion Show|Bring the family dog to Destin Commons Center Plaza for a walk down the Doggy Red Carpet in their favorite holiday outfit. Registration from noon – 1:30pm, fashion show begins at 2pm. All entries will be judged in their category, and winners will be awarded prizes. Pets can have their photo taken with Rudolph and Frosty, or have their caricature drawn by Deano. 850.337.8700.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 337-8700
Website: www.destincommons.com
399|20071209|21st Annual Destin Harbor Boat Parade|The Destin Harbor will be dancing with holiday lights and cheer Sunday, December 9th at 6 p.m. during the 21st Annual Christmas on the Destin Harbor Boat Parade. The Destin Boat Parade is a magical event for the community and offers a family oriented activity for the holidays. For more information on the Destin Boat Parade or Holiday on the Harbor contact the Destin History and Fishing Museum at (850) 837-6611.
Additional Information
Phone: (850) 837-6241
Event Time: 6pm
400|20071019|Best of the Emerald Coast|Winners will be honored at the annual Best Of the Emerald Coast awards ceremony at The Village of Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin, on Friday, Oct. 20. The outdoor-festival-style event, which will benefit the Destin Family YMCA, will be located in The Village’s Events Plaza. And more than 50 winners will offer samples of the product or service that landed them on this cream-of-the-crop list.
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
401|20071014|Legendary Employee Picnic|Place: Camp Timpoochee in Niceville
Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm
For more information contact:
Jessica Shultz
Human Resources Assistant
Legendary Inc.
4100 Lengendary Drive, Suite 200
Destin, Florida 32541
850.337.8000 ext.435
402|20071122|Rutherfords 465 Thanksgiving Buffet|Cold Buffet Table, Carving Station, Hot Foods and Dessert Island. Buffet Served from 12pm-6pm. For Reservations or information, call 337-8888.
403|20071122|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
405|20071201|Holiday on the Harbor|Enjoy a month long celebration of lights along the Destin Harbor. Boat cruises, fireworks and a boat parade will be part of the activities. Call Searcy Yoder, Destin Area Chamber of Commerce, 850.837.6241.
406|20071122|Emerald Grande Thanksgiving Buffet|Cold Buffet Table, Carving Station, Hot Foods and Dessert Island. Buffet Served from 11:30am-4:30pm. For Reservations or information, call 850.337.8100.
407|20071208|Destin Christmas Parade|The theme for this year’s Destin Christmas parade, the 22nd annual, is “Wishing on a Christmas Star.”
Decked out accordingly, floats, performers, walkers, automobiles, animals and more will parade down U.S. 98 starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8.
408|20071129|21st Annual Destin Christmas Tree Lighting|Tree lighting at the Destin Community Center begins at 6:00pm. City of Destin, 850.654.5184.
409|20071231|New Years Eve Fireworks|Fireworks display over the Destin Harbor; 8pm and 12pm. City of Destin, 850.837.4242.
410|20071231|Rutherfords 465 New Years Eve Dinner|Dinner served from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. for $45 per person plus tax and gratuity. For reservations, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
411|20071231|Emerald Grande New Years Eve Celebration|Tickets are $75 per person and include: Gourmet Walk-about Dinner, Two drink tickets, Midnight Champagne toast and Band – Randy Martin & The Syndicate Show Band. Reservations required, call 424-0613.
412|20071225|Legendary Corporate Closed|Legendary's Corporate Offices will be closed.
413|20071210|Legendary Employee Christmas Party|Located at Emerald Coast Conference Center. Dinner Buffet and Live Entertainment from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. RSVP to 850.337.8000 x435.
414|20080323|Rutherfords 465 Easter Brunch|Delicious Brunch Entrees. For Reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
415|20080511|Rutherfords 465 Mothers Day Brunch|Treat your Mother to Delicious Brunch Entrees at Rutherfords 465. For Reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
416|20080522|Rutherfords 465 Mayfest Wine Walkabout|Rutherfords 465 will host this Wine Walkabout featuring German wines and foods that compliment them, Thursday, May 22nd, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
417|20080615|Rutherfords 465 Fathers Day Brunch|Treat your Father to Delicious Brunch Entrees at Rutherfords 465. For Reservations or information, call Rutherfords 465 at 337-8888.
418|20080710|Bastille Day Wine Walkabout|Emerald Grande will host this Wine Walkabout featuring fine French wines and foods that compliment them, Thursday, July 10th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Emerald Grande at 424-0621.
419|20081023|Harvest Moon Wine Walkabout |Emerald Grande will host this Wine Walkabout featuring seasonal harvest of fall wines and foods, Thursday, October 23rd, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Emerald Grande at 424-0621.
420|20081204|Emerald Grande Holiday Champagne Walkabout|Emerald Grande will host this Wine Walkabout featuring champagnes of the season and the foods that compliment them, Thursday, November 4th, from 7pm-9pm. For reservations or information, call Emerald Grande at 424-0621.